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M.J. Bangkok Valve and Fitting Co., Ltd

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center in Thailand l Myanmar l Laos

Sampling System Training


If you’re a sample system designer or troubleshooter, you know each system’s differences can pose its own set of challenges in design, operation, and maintenance. What if there was a training class that could help you make better sense of the variables which affect sampling systems so that you could head off problems before they arise? What if you could learn to assess and analyze sample systems and their designs holistically? With the Process Analytical Sampling Systems Training Course, you can.


Process Analyzer Sampling System (PASS) training is a comprehensive, technical 5-day (8 hours/day) in-person. PASS training teaches attendees to identify and remedy critical issues with sampling systems, such as poor system design and layout, time delay, and sample transport problems. 


Download pass sampling system brochure here!


Learn to design effective sampling systems and diagnose and eliminate issues with existing systems, increasing accuracy and efficiency, and reducing costs. Gain valuable knowledge from seasoned instructors, each with over 35 years’ experience, no matter your industry or level of experience. Swagelok sampling system training courses are derived from Industrial Sampling Systems, a technical reference book authored by industry expert and consultant Tony Waters*


Which class is right for your?


Process analyzer sampling system training

Process Analyzer Sampling System-Basic (PASS I)

Gain a high-level understanding of sampling systems while designing and building an optimized system that delivers timely, accurate result

Swagelok Sampling System

Process Analyzer Sampling System-Subsystem (PASS II)

Sharpen your design skills by breaking sampling systems down into subsystems and their discrete function blocks to learn how each subsystem impacts analyzer results

PASS Subsytem training class

Sampling System Problem Solving and Maintenance (SSM)

Learn how to troubleshoot a variety of common and complex design issues from the process line through sample disposal

Industrial Sampling Systems by Tony Waters